L2-P1: Understanding your Leadership Style.

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." - Peter Drucker

District 20 Convention 2018 - Award for Best Video.
Level 2 of Pathways explores subjects that are relevant in a business place. This level may prove uncomfortable for members who join Toastmasters only to enhance their public speaking skills. 

The first project in Level 2 is "Understanding your leadership style". This project includes a survey with 48 questions that you have to answer with a rating scale of 0 to 3. 

For example, one of the question in the survey is:

   I consistently provide others with positive feedback.

Your response to this question should be one of the following options:
   0-Not at all

Based on your responses to all 48 questions, you are presented with your leadership profile. TMI categorizes leadership into 8 distinct categories (Coaching, Democratic, Altruistic, Innovative, Affiliative, Authoritative, Pacesetting, Bureaucratic)

The take-home message from this exercise is that every individual has some elements of all leadership styles. Some styles are more dominant than others and may change based on the situation.

My Leadership profile
After completing the survey, I received my leadership profile. According to the results, I exhibit 'Coaching' as my preferred style. This makes sense as my path is 'Effective Coaching' and it was the first choice that was presented to me when I did the Pathways assessment.

For my convenience, I have recreated the Leadership survey in EXCEL to help me visualize the different styles graphically.

Visualizing Leadership Styles
If you want to understand your own leadership style or to visualize your style graphically, you can download the file from here. After downloading, answer all the 48 questions using the drop-down list and review your leadership style.

For my project, I decided to focus on 2 aspects of leadership:

1. Leadership in Toastmasters: I talked about the different leadership roles in a club (President, VP-Education) and stressed the need for different approaches to leadership while doing these roles. For example, a President may need to be an innovative leader while VP-Education must demonstrate coaching leadership style.

2. My personal leadership examples at work: I highlighted a few examples from my workplace and the type of leadership qualities I try to demonstrate while dealing with different stakeholders.

Even though I planned and created a good speech, I was disappointed with my delivery. I could not get the right connection with the audience. I plan to refine and deliver the same speech when I start with my second path.


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