L1-P3: Researching & Presenting.

"The heart and soul of good writing is research; you should write not what you know but what you can find out about." - Robert J. Sawyer

The 3rd Project in Pathways focuses on "Researching & Presenting". Members who have completed their Competent Communicator (CC) manual will recognize this project as "CC7-Research Your Topic". 

The objective of this project is for the member to research on any topic and present it as a 5-7 minute speech.

This excellent resource by Andrew Dlugan contains useful tips and techniques to help you prepare for this project. The resource is based on the traditional CC manual but it can be used in Pathways since the objectives are the same.

For my project, I decided to deliver a speech on 2 subjects that are close to my heart. 
1. Photography
2. Technology

I am a passionate photographer and run a successful Facebook page "Barretto Photography". I decided to research on Computational Photography and the way mobile phones are changing our perception of photography by using complex algorithms to create professional looking images. I had recently purchased the Huawei P20 Pro (a camera with 3 lenses). I included my experience in using this mobile camera for creating images that are processed using software algorithms. I researched the sale of mobile phones (going up) compared to the sale of digital cameras (going down). I concluded with a prediction that by 2025, professional cameras will be a niche category as people switch completely to mobile phones for most of their photography needs.


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